Terms and Conditions outlined below must be agreed to during your registration. If you have concerns or questions please contact Julia at director@childrensdanceworkshop.com.
Consent for Participation:
I understand and acknowledge that participation in Children's Dance Workshop’s classes and performances, including all its activities and the use of its facilities and equipment, can result in injuries, harm or loss. I authorize the child named in this registration to participate in all activities both in the classroom and at a meeting or performance location. On my own behalf and on behalf of the child named in this registration, I assume the risks of participation and HEREBY WAIVE AND RELEASE ALL CLAIMS against Children's Dance Workshop (including its directors, staff, and agents) that may arise from injuries, harm or loss resulting from participation in the classes and performances, to the fullest extent allowed under Washington law.
Media Release:
I understand that my child may be photographed or filmed during classes and performances. Videos of the performance may be made available to all families and photos and video clips may be used in promotional materials. I agree that a designee of Children's Dance Workshop can take and use photos, video, and audio recordings of the child named in this registration during classes and performances without compensational obligation, and I hereby release Children's Dance Workshop from any claims or liability resulting from their use of photos, videos and audio recordings.
Medical Release:
In the event of serious illness or injury to my child, I expressly consent to the administration of emergency medical care, if in the opinion of attending medical personnel, such action is advisable. Further, I authorize the staff and agents of Children's Dance Workshop to act on my behalf as parent/guardian of my child while participating in rehearsals or performances including the admittance to and release from a medical facility. I acknowledge that the costs of any medical treatment provided to the child named in this registration that are not covered by medical insurance will be my sole responsibility.